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2023 Ballot Initiatives

On November 7, 德克萨斯州举行了全州大选,提出了对德克萨斯州宪法的14项修正案. Voters approved investing in its higher education system, improving deteriorating water infrastructure, 扩大公平的宽带接入,鼓励生物医药制造业和创造就业机会. In addition, 哈里斯县居民投票支持该县获得急需的资金,以加强和扩大哈里斯卫生系统.


The Greater Houston Partnership supported the following propositions and bond proposals 由于他们有能力推动该地区面临的关键问题,因此在今年的投票中脱颖而出.

APPROVED: Proposition 5

Proposition 5 establishes the Texas University Fund, 创建一个永久的捐赠基金,以显著提高四所德克萨斯大学的研究能力, including the University of Houston.

APPROVED: Proposition 5 creates the Texas University Fund (TUF), a $3.4 billion research endowment for four Texas public universities.

  • 一个强大的受过大学教育的人才管道对吸引公司和投资到Hga010皇冠软件下载州变得越来越重要. 
  • Currently, 只有两所全国排名前50的公立大学位于德克萨斯州:德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(排名第9)和德克萨斯A大学&M (ranked 20th).
  • TUF每年将向休斯顿大学拨款1亿美元, Houston's flagship public university. 
  • TUF将通过提供必要的资金来提高德州大学的全国排名,从而帮助该州吸引顶尖人才. 
  • The TUF will help Texas schools compete for federal research grants, secure private research funding, drive increased alumni support, and position Texas as a top destination for premier higher education.  
  • TUF将扩大所有德州学生的教育机会,并加强该州的经济.


APPROVED: Proposition 6

Proposition 6 creates the New Water Supply for Texas Fund, the Statewide Water Public Awareness Account, 以及德克萨斯水基金,以解决全州的关键水挑战. 

APPROVED: Proposition 6 协助水项目的融资,以解决德克萨斯州日益减少的水供应. 

  • Access to water is vital to society, and ensuring sufficient supply is becoming more paramount by the day, particularly for communities with rapid population growth, a decline in existing water supplies, and an aging water infrastructure system. 
  • According to the most recent State Water Plan, 从2020年到2070年,德克萨斯州的人口预计将增长73%, while water demand is projected to rise by approximately nine percent.
  • 现有的供水预计将下降近18%, resulting in a crisis-level water shortage of 6.9 million acre-feet per year by 2070.
  • Proposition 6 will allow Texas to invest $1 billion to fix crumbling water infrastructure across the state. 

欲了解更多信息,请随时与Coalter Baker联系 

APPROVED: Proposition 8

第8号提案创建了宽带基础设施基金,以促进宽带的公平接入, high-speed internet statewide, 通过扩大宽带投资,使当地社区蓬勃发展. 

APPROVED:  Proposition 8 创建宽带基础设施基金(BIF),以扩大宽带的公平接入, high-speed broadband across Texas. 

  • The U.S. Census Bureau data indicates almost 2.德克萨斯州有800万家庭和700万人没有宽带接入. 
  • 8号提案将帮助缩小数字鸿沟,让农村和服务不足的德州人上网,同时增加经济困难社区的互联网接入. 
  • The BIF will provide an unprecedented $1.50亿美元的资金用于扩展全州的宽带基础设施. 
  • BIF将为确保所有德州人都能享受宽带带来的经济和社会效益的项目提供资金.

欲了解更多信息,请随时联系Laura Alexander,邮箱 

APPROVED: Proposition 10


APPROVED:  Proposition 10 establishes Texas as a competitive state in the biomedical manufacturing industry. 

  • 德克萨斯州目前是医疗和生物医药制造业有效税率最高的州之一, taxing companies more than 28%, compared to other states, which tax the same industry less than 13.5%.
  • Since 2020, Texas has lost more than 4,000个新的生物制造工作岗位转移到其他州,错过了30多亿美元的医疗制造投资.
  • 降低这些制造商的有效税率将增强德克萨斯州医疗和生物医学企业的制造能力,同时也将吸引新的创新者来到德克萨斯州. 
  • 医疗和生物医药制造业预计将增加100个,在未来十年内,将会有5000个新工作岗位,平均工资在7.5万美元到15万美元之间, 德克萨斯州每增加一个医疗或生物医学工作岗位,就会创造4个额外的工作岗位.

欲了解更多信息,请随时与Stephen Reynolds联系 

APPROVED: Harris County Proposition A

Harris County Proposition A seeks voter approval of a $2.授权发行50亿美元债券,为医院区设施的重建和升级提供资金. 

APPROVED: Harris County Proposition A 确保哈里斯县医院区能够继续为Hga010皇冠软件下载的住院医生服务.

  • 哈里斯健康是一个医院区,服务于哈里斯县近500万居民和周围地区的许多居民.
  • 哈里斯县提案A将资助更换LBJ医院,并在其现有校园内建立第三个一级创伤中心, 增加本陶布医院现有一级创伤中心的容量, and invest in clinics and population health services across the county. 
  • Harris County's population has more than doubled in the past 30 years, while the facilities run by Harris Health have decreased in capacity.
  • LBJ医院经常超负荷运转,已经到了生命周期的尽头.
  • Our population dictates we should have at least four Level 1 Trauma centers; Harris County currently has only two—both of which reside in the Texas Medical Center, 在Hga010皇冠软件下载国家的外围地区,特别是北部和东北部,不容易到达. 

欲了解更多信息,请随时与Stephen Reynolds联系 

Convening to Make an Impact

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